aspWebLinks was designed to
ActionPath is a portal
Aleza is an extremely
FFA Links script. Fully
be an easy to install, and
directory management and
functional marketing
customisable, no need for a
use .asp application to host
administration system for
oriented resource management
database, includes drop off
a listing of links on your
web site resources such as
system. You may index not
feature and email auto
website. It features
links, files, ratings, text
only resources but also
responder using CDONTS.
unlimited category and
reviews, and email
images, articles, downloads.
sub-category support, a
newsletters. It instantly
powerful administration
add powerful directory
mode, a configuration file
management capabilities to
that allows you to easily
your web site. Index links
adapt the script to your
and files and implement an
website, and many more.
automatic review and rating
Version 2.0 adds reviews,
system. Point-and-click
error reporting, IP
customization for style
tracking, and more. There is
sheets and HTML templates
also no configuration
enables seamless integration
required, just upload it and
into your web site.
your ready to go. All
configuration is done
through the browser.
Date: May, 19 2003 Date: Jun, 04 2001 Date: Nov, 17 2000 Date: Nov, 09 2000 |
Web Free-For-All is an ASP
Following on from the earlier
This is an ASP category
This is a set of ASP scripts
based free-for-all links
category example, this
system that runs from an
that allows you to create
page. Features include: web
script adds a small amount
Access database. All the
your own FFA with as many
based admin area, modify
of extra code to wrap the
categories are stored in a
categories as you want. It
and/or delete entries,
categories into any number
table with their parent
uses a flat text file, and
e-mail addresses saved to
of columns.
This script
relationships - allowing for
doesn't use any database.
database, and more. (Uses an
implementes categories like
an unlimited depth of
MS Access '97 database and
Yahoo to cope with any
sub-categories. It is
the FileSystemObject).
number of columns/categories.
similar to a portal like
Yahoo where it lists the
first three sub-categories
under these main headings.
Date: Oct, 21 2000 Date: Aug, 08 2000 Date: Aug, 07 2000 Date: Aug, 01 2000 |