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/** Search */

Link Indexing


GLink Index Manager

Hits: 2154

JiRos Links Manager

Hits: 661
GLink Index is a powerful web
G-PORTAL is a search
hySite is a simple Website
JiRos Link Manager is an
directory system. Glink
engine/directory link and
directory script. It can be
essential element for any
Manager provides you to run
news manager. You may manage
used as a simple personal
webmaster, it allows you to
a search engine/directory
all your links with a
Website bookmark tool or as
easily build and maintain a
link service on your site.
hierarchical directory
a Website resource
directory of links on your
Glink is a perfect solution
navigation, and publish
management tool. Features of
web site using our feature
for small to large sites.
unlimited numbers of
hySite include: keyword
packed administration
GLink Index can assist you
categories and links. Search
search; site ranking, IP
in running your site, you
script allows clients to
address tracking; and admin
can build and manage :
perfrom searches on your
editor. It is written in ASP
publish your own directory
news database and link
and requires a MS Access
like Yahoo, manage link
database. News management
database file.
exchanges, provide clients
allows you to create and
to search in directory,
publish your news online.
clients can add their
You may edit tmeplates and
reviews or report
publish your links in a few
errors. Some hot features
seconds. Other features:
: Search Engine Friendly,
Shows new links, popular
Completely database-driven,
links and sponsored links in
Users can add their reviews
seperate pages; Easy admin
on links, Rating/Voting
control page; No need DLL or
systems added. Supports
third party software
most popular components :
(recomended IIS 5 and Win
2000); and uses MS-ACCESS
Send to Friend option added.
2000 database. New
functions added with new
version : mailing list,
recomend to a friend, rating
system and now visitors can
add their comments.

Date: Oct, 02 2006

Date: Aug, 07 2006

Date: Mar, 25 2006

Date: Dec, 24 2005
Add unlimited category, sub
Link Manager allows you to
LinkMAX 2 is an ASP link
Links Manager 1.0 provides a
category. Add unlimited
manage your site's links to
indexing script. Features
simple and secure web
links. User can login and
other websites and
include: Easy setup and
interface for a Links
change their link. Admin can
resources. Visitors can add
installation, Listings
Exchange section or Links
approve / reject links.
resources to the database
display Title, Description
directory section, you can
Admin can check RECIPROCAL
and the resources are not
and Date added, You can
• Have Unlimited
LINK in their partner site
visible until they have been
approve sites before they
Categories so you can have
and then approve or reject
check by an administrator.
get listed, An admin page
links arranged under them
Link Manager can also report
that will show you new pages
for easy
on how many times a link has
that have not yet been
navigation • Manage the
been clicked. Features
categories and links from a
include: Users can add their
simple web interface to save
links and resources, Links
a lot of time which can be
and resources aren't visible
used for other productive
until the have been
things • Web interface is
validated by an
secured so no one else can
administrator, Links are
access it. • Customize the
sorted by category, There
header and footer of the
can be un unlimited number
script to have it integrated
of administrators per
into the design and look of
category each with separate
your website. • Allow
usernames and passwords, If
visitors to search through
an administrator is defined
the links from a simple
as a category administrator
search form so they can get
they can add/edit and delete
what they want
categories from the system,
easily. • Access this
and If an administrator is
interface from any pc as it
defined as a user
will be hosted on your
administrator they can
website and can be managed
add/edit and delete users
just from a browser. • Your
from the system.
visitors can add links too
and then will not go live
until you approve them,
preventing anyone from
posting spam or bad
content • You can even
start a Links Directory, a
website that provides links
to various other websites.

Date: Apr, 26 2004

Date: Mar, 13 2000

Date: May, 16 2000

Date: Oct, 10 2006
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