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/** Search */

Link Indexing



Hits: 831

ASP Link Exchange

Hits: 795

JiRos Links Manager

Hits: 661
DyspoPRank Checker is a
Much more than a simple links
Asp Link Exchange allows you
JiRos Link Manager is an
standalone component which
manager, SuperLinks allows
to mange your Link exchange
essential element for any
enable you to show
you to easily build and
page. You can add any number
webmaster, it allows you to
dynamicaly a small icon that
maintain a directory of
of category with any deep
easily build and maintain a
displays the current Google™
links anywhere on your site.
levels. And you can add any
directory of links on your
PageRank™ of any URL... No
From quick installation, to
number of links to each
web site using our feature
links to our website is
category. Our system will
packed administration
needed to perform that!
also check reciprocal links
with your website to a
to others site and if your
feature set that just seems
link is not found there then
to go on and on and on...
it will delete their link
SuperLinks will quite simply
form your system".
make the job of managing
Link Manager: This
your links effortless.
software helps you to manage
you links in easy way. You
can easily use this software
to exchange links. Software
comes with full fledge admin
panel. Unlimited
category and Sub
category: Form the admin
side you can add unlimited
category and subcategory.
Admin Panel: This
software comes with admin
panel form where you can
check the number of links
and do the options like edit
/ delete . Admin can set
email setting form the admin
panel. Reciprocal link
checker: Admin panel comes
with the reciprocal link
checker. Admin can check the
reciprocal link in their
link partner sites.

Date: Nov, 26 2005

Date: Apr, 18 2005

Date: Jun, 30 2006

Date: Dec, 24 2005
ASPScriptz Download Manager
Links Lite is a professional
Link Manager allows you to
myLinks is a asp link
is a free script.It supports
database driven category and
manage your site's links to
exchange web application,
unlimited categories and
link indexing directory with
other websites and
admin can approve/reject the
unlimited sub
an automatic reciprocal link
resources. Visitors can add
new link requests and can
categories.Reviews section
checker. Feature rich Links
resources to the database
create the link pages to
is also included in this
Lite amongst other things
and the resources are not
html. Automatic Reciprocal
version.Users can rate
new link notification, admin
visible until they have been
Link checker, You can easily
downloads.Admin can approve
approval, and allows admin
check by an administrator.
create html pages.
or reject downloads
to easily send email to the
Link Manager can also report
submissions.Admin can
webmasters who removed your
on how many times a link has
approve or reject users
link. Links are organized
been clicked. Features
by category making for easy
include: Users can add their
management and easy visitor
links and resources, Links
navigation. Links Lite can
and resources aren't visible
hold as many categories and
until the have been
links as you like.This
validated by an
software helps you to manage
administrator, Links are
you links in easy way. You
sorted by category, There
can easily use this software
can be un unlimited number
to exchange links. Software
of administrators per
comes with full fledge admin
category each with separate
panel. Product Features
usernames and passwords, If
•Show Reciprocal Link Page
an administrator is defined
Rank •Automatic reciprocal
as a category administrator
link checker • Category and
they can add/edit and delete
Link indexing • Admin link
categories from the system,
approval • Category link
and If an administrator is
approval • Categories and
defined as a user
links can be added, edited
administrator they can
or deleted • Web based
add/edit and delete users
administration area with
from the system.
easy navigation. •
Administer Links Lite from
any internet connected
computer in the world. •
Secure administration
area • Easy
configuration • Ability to
change username and
password • Notification of
link submission • Show or
hide latest links • Search
facility • Set the number
of and latest links to be
displayed • All forms
Javascript client side
validated and server side
validation • All colors,
fonts and sizes can be
customized through a
stylesheet • Adjustable
recordset paging for links
page • Uses an Access 2000
relational database with
full referential
integrity. • Free Technical
Support • and much much
more... Server
Requirements Written in
ASP, VBScript. No components
to be installed. All the
ASP pages must be run
through an ASP enabled web
server - Microsoft IIS 4 or
above. If you are unsure
whether your webserver
supports ASP then send your
webhosting company an email
asking them. Links Lite
will not work on other
platforms. Email component
- CDONTS, CDO, ASPMail. (Can
be modified to support other
components upon request)
Database Requirements
This script uses a
Microsoft Access 2000. The
Access database is provided
with examples. This script
will work for IE and
Netscape 4 browsers and

Date: Sep, 23 2005

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Mar, 13 2000

Date: Apr, 17 2006
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