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File Management


File.Transfer .NET Edition v1.5

Hits: 309

DotNetNuke File Manager

Hits: 716

ASP FileMan

Hits: 1965
With File.Transfer's advanced
Designed using ASP.NET 2
Free for personal use only.
FileMan is a web based
features, such as
Technology User-friendly
Web Based File Manager for
storage and file management
drag-n-drop file and
interface,Designed like
IIS (5, 6) servers. It looks
solution for intra- and
directory upload, client
DotNetNuke File Manager with
like “Windows Explorer” and
internet, running on
file deletion, application
the tree based file
can be used to create online
Microsoft IIS webservers and
launch on file downloads,
explorer Powerful file
file storage solutions. This
written in 100% ASP. It
restart of interrupted
manager with no need for
is web based file management
resembles Windows Explorer
downloads, download failure
FTP, upload files from your
system has many standard
and offers functions like:
detection, and industry
hard drive, copy, rename,
features like Create, Cut,
Upload, Download, (Wysiwyg)
standard data compression,
delete files and more.
Copy, Delete, Paste, Rename,
Editor, Copy, Move, SendTo,
it's no wonder that
Build in C# Technology that
Edit, View, Files search and
Rename, (Un)Zip, Map drives,
companies like Associated
fully utilise DataGrid and
advanced technical features:
File descriptions, Send
Press , Xerox, Disney, and
ASP.NET 2 TreeView Control.
Directory Tree, Drag-n-Drop,
files by email, File
Pepsi chose Infomentum tools
Combined with FreeTextBox
Disk Quota, Context and Drop
encryption. Advanced
to aid their development
allow you to edit HTML files
Down Menu, SSL(HTTPS)
features: NTLM
efforts. File.Transfer is
on the fly.
support. Version for Active
Authentication, Languages,
the professional's choice
Directory designed to use
IP blocking, UNC paths,
for leading edge
secure NTLM authentication
RootFolder, Disk quota, a
uploaddownload capabilities
and it can automatically
Recycle Bin, Automated user
that can't be found in any
authorize users based on
subscriptions. Latest news:
other file component. If
their security group
Improved management pages
you are looking for an
membership. Users will only
(Users/Groups page), Tweaks
intelligent way to exchange
be able to access
and fixes
files between your ASP or
information they have NTFS
ASP.NET application and web
permissions to. Intelligent
clients, the search is over.
web interface, allows users
Compliant with RFC 1867,
remotely access their
ActiveFile provides both
personal or common folders.
file upload and download
Multiple browsers support!
capabilities that work
seamlessly with all of the
leading web browsers. Your
application can manipulate
files and directories using
a robust set of objects and
methods provided by the
File.Transfer component..

Date: Oct, 30 2006

Date: Sep, 12 2006

Date: Jul, 17 2006

Date: May, 22 2006
This powerful tool allows you
This system allows
ADEX Shares is a COM
Web-based file management
to remotely manage files on
unrestricted browsing of
component that enables
system with Windows XP look
a web server via Internet
your entire web site and all
application developers of
and feel. Main features:
Explorer. Based on the
of it's sub directories -
Microsoft technology to get
manage users/permissions,
'Windows Explorer' look and
all from one file.
the list of Shares and Files
feel, this program has a
and their permissions. It
very simple interface that
has been developed using
almost anyone can use.
Microsoft ATL, providing
Access and permissions can
users fast access to the
be granted on a user or
file system. The ADEX Shares
group basis, and can be
Object Model is designed to
tightly integrated with
provide programmers an
Windows Authentication. With
intuitive interface to the
expandability in mind, this
file system.
program was designed to
accept plugins that can
greatly enhance the programs
capabilities. It can even be
used to monitor and manage
the web server itself.

Date: Oct, 31 2005

Date: Jul, 03 2005

Date: Feb, 16 2005

Date: Feb, 12 2005
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