VP-ASP FEDEX Real Time Shipping ModuleHits: 881
Allow your store to retrieve real time shipping rates and track orders fulfilled by FEDEX. Requires a FEDEX account number and is available for USA merchants only.
Obtain real time rates from FedEx Obtain separate rates for different delivery addresses Drop ship using supplier addresses for shipping locations Supports both US domestic and international shipping Merchant can apply surcharges based on a percent of the shipping cost or a fixed amount Merchant can exclude certain shipping methods Products can be automatically combined into a single or package or you can tell VP-ASP to always treat certain products as individual packages Packages can be auto split if the weight reaches a certain limit Feature based weights are supported
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Jun, 28 2006 Author: Zaintech Technologies, http://www.krashid.com/vp_shop/shopexd.asp?id=85 {
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