This is a fully functional
AceFlex is an easy-to-use
CartEasy is a robust Web
A free ASP shopping cart
cart that contains an admin
secure business applications
Shopping Cart solution for
script written in Turkish.
section. It includes the
that can turn your existing
Windows NT. Main features
Access 2000 databse and the
Web site into modern online
include: No Messy DLL's to
ASP open source code.
Web store/mall with advanced
install, Source Code
administration and sales
Included, We Easily
lead/order management.
Integrate with AuthorizeNet,
Whenever, a merchant adds
4 Types of Automated
new items to the store or
Shipping Calculations, and
makes any modifications with
Real Time Inventory
price, functions, options,
etc., information is
integrates with many payment
published automatically in
systems including Cybercash.
his Web store. Visitors of
FCS, has also partnered with
AceFlex software can either
eCharge which allows
search or go to a particular
Internet user not
store, pick items from
comfortable with using
different online stores and
charge cards over the
go to a main checkout. This
Internet (and there are
main checkout reflects the
millions) the option of
pricing and shipping charges
seamlessly charging their
set by each online store
purchases to their telephone
owner. Other main features
include: Management of sales
representatives, E-mail
notification about store
sales available, Generation
of sales reports, Secure SSL
transactions and online
verification of credit card,
Binds to databases (MS SQL
6.x/7.x, MS Access 97/2000),
Multiple merchant virtual
hosting support and more.
Date: May, 12 2003 Date: Oct, 21 1999 Date: Jul, 03 1999 Date: Jan, 11 2005 |
These templates are fully
A full online ASP database
Robust and affordable ASP
AceFlex® B2C is a robust
featured shopping carts
driven store! Check out
eCommerce solution. No DLL's
full-fledged sales
based around Dreamweaver or
demos here:
required. You get full
management software to
Frontpage. They come in a
source code, MS Access and
establish low cost
variety of attractive
Manage your inventory!Upload
SQL Server support, several
e-commerce site to sell
designs. Features include
your photos! Searchable
Gateways and Payment
directly to consumers. It
USPS shipping calculations,
Database! and more! Easy to
Methods, UPS and USPS
includes Web-based back
multiple product options,
realtime rates, Encryption,
office for sales tracking,
built in search, full online
Customer Accounts, Digital
order processing, customer
admin, "Remember
Product support, Nested
relationship management,
me" option for
Categories, Options w/
customers details and more.
Price/Weight, Discounts per
merchandising, scheduling
product or per order,
& analyzing
Ratings and Reviews,
Newsletters, and much more.
campaigns, set price levels,
Customizable template with
easy customizable storefront
control over headers,
with advanced catalog,
footers, CSS. Seperate
shopping cart, real-time
customizable language file.
shipping gateways,
Supports several popular
pre-integrated online
email components.
payment processors and more.
It offers crucial visibility
of entire multi-channel
sales strategy to discover
and respond quickly to any
client needs and thereby
strengthening customer
relationships. Also, it is
possible to organize
efficient collaboration with
suppliers online and as a
result gain greater insight
into efficient business
running, increase
profitability and customer
satisfaction. Advanced
technology allows to combine
comprehensive and powerful
e-commerce functionality of
connected computers and
wireless gadgets to run
entire business - from
customers to suppliers -
securily via the Internet to
save tremendeously IT budget.
Date: Jun, 18 2002 Date: Jan, 25 2004 Date: Mar, 05 2004 Date: Aug, 27 2003 |