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/** Search */

Shopping Carts


Spider Sales

Hits: 360

Sunglasses Shopping Cart

Hits: 222

Supplier Mod

Hits: 307
Easy to setup, open ASP
Client Features: • Have
The Supplier Mod v1.1 is
Complete shopping cart
source shopping cart
access to the full list of
designed to operate
solution now with features
solution with MSAcces,
the sunglasses or he could
seamlessly with the
for software, pc game and
MS-SQL or MySQL support.
sort them by Brand • Model,
CandyPress eCommerce (v2.5)
console game sellers. Has
Smart bundle system, smart
code, Gender, type of
software to expand the User
indicators for ESRB ratings
attributes, multiple
lenses, type of frames,
and Admin
as well as software
price , currency converter,
capabilities/features for
platforms. Has a section
multishipping, multitaxes,
retail price • Photo ,
store owners who offer
for customers to make offers
customer and order details,
sizes, color, lens color,
downloadable products or
to you when they have
orders history. SSL support,
frame color, send the link
products sold under
software to sell YOU! Test
RSA encryption, payment
to a friend • Discount
consignment. Specifically,
drive the demo today!
gateways enabled, full
coupons • Shipping by Post
it was designed to ease the
customizable design.
or Fed EX • Invoicing
Administrators workload
system • User friendly
associated with calculating
Admin Features: •
payments to Suppliers who
Protected administration
may offer a variety of
area • Add unlimited
products at different
products • Add model,
commission or payment rates.
brand, gender, lenses, frame
In addition, it also
type, picture, product code,
provides Suppliers
note • Add new brands, new
(especially those who offer
type of frames, lenses,
downloadable products) the
prices for shipping
added comfort of providing a
depending by shipping
unique Supplier Login area
method. • Unlimited Special
to track sales, orders,
Offers • Unlimited Discount
payments, etc.
coupons • Friendly orders
view organized by categories
(new orders, approved
orders, pending orders,
fraud orders, shipped
orders) • Newsletter
sender • Currency
converter • Friendly
monthly statistics •
Printer friendly orders •
Email alert for all orders

Date: Jun, 17 2002

Date: Jul, 22 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Mar, 02 2004
The Textbook Shopping Cart is
The OX™ e-commerce shopping
VisualCommerce Constructor is
designed primarily for
software gives the small web
Wholesale and Retail
a wizards-based development
college bookstores and other
site owner or high volume
Candypress Cart Modification
tool that automatically
vendors selling books. The
retailer the ability to
integrates Site Server 3.0
software package is easy to
create an online store with
Commerce Edition, Microsoft®
setup, and all the product
no web design or development
convert the existing
SQL Server /7.0, Windows NT®
and ordering history
experience. Our complete
Candypress shopping cart to
4.0/Windows 2000, Microsoft
information is stored in an
e-commerce solution offers
a multi-functional retail
Transaction Server 2.0, and
Access database. The
all of the features and
and wholesale asp
Internet Information Server
software works easily with
functionality that a
4.0 into a cohesive
business needs to develop
database-driven commerce
and market a successful
site. Targeting developers
online storefront. We offer
who serve mid-sized
web-based administration,
businesses, Constructor is
real-time payments, shipping
an easy and inexpensive way
calculations, integration
to build a site.
and more! Best of all, no
Additionally, Constructor
programming experience is
saves hours of development
required for your customers.
time allowing developers to
This fully scalable
focus on customization.
e-commerce management
Users simply select the
solution allows small
features they want to
businesses and major
include in their site, and
corporations to control
VisualCommerce Constructor
purchases, inventory and
generates the entire store.
customer information through
These features can then be
one interface. The interface
modified using Microsoft
is very granular in its
Visual InterDev.
ability to provide important
business information on a
real-time basis. Through the
use of this technology
individuals and corporations
can increase their
efficiencies and become
empowered to make more
knowledgeable decisions as
they relate to their
specific businesses.

Date: Apr, 03 2004

Date: Apr, 21 2005

Date: Jan, 03 2005

Date: Jul, 18 2000
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