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E-Store Setup w/Shopping Cart


E-Store Setup w/Shopping Cart

Hits: 551
This program was designed to be able to have an up-and-running e-commerce store in a matter of minutes. You will be able to specify the categories that you would like to have (shirts, hats, tools, etc.), and also insert the items within those categories. After completing the installation you will have an entire store ready for you to begin selling. You have multiple options once the store is setup. You can add, edit, or remove items and/or categories from your store. You will be able to specify what items you have that are on sale. You will also be able to upload pictures of your items.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: Sep, 06 2006
Author: Cold Penguin Web Design, http://coldpenguindesign.com/applications/sc/db.asp?


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