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Product Shipping



Hits: 525
The Active Server Pages
This component connects to
Combinable FEDEX, USPS, UPS
iisCARTship gives developers,
Shipping Calculator is a
the UPS Quick Cost system
is a program template that
and ultimately consumers,
plain ASP script based
sends your package
you can configure to return
the choice of shipping
solution which returns rates
information and returns the
all shipping rates, already
companies with over 25
from any combination of UPS,
proper shipping amount.
sorted ascendingly by
shipping services from the 3
USPS, DHL, and FedEx at the
Perfect for web developers
shipping cost, that you can
largest shipping companies
same time. This product
looking for a shipping
present as a
and, more importantly,
also includes features for
solution. Easily integrates
redundancy should a given
generating country drop
with any asp shopping
pulldown menu or a RADIO
companies system be
downs, displaying results in
cart. aspXstream RealShip
BUTTON selection from FEDEX,
inaccessible. iisCARTship
radio button collections,
2.0 consists of
USPS Domestic. UPS - ALL AT
will return real-time
drop down boxes and more.
RealShip2.dll, sample asp
shipping rates from any
coding, setup.exe and
enable/disable any of the
combination of the United
installation manual. Only
States Postal Service,
$9.95 Requirements:
Federal Express, and United
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or
by uncommenting/commenting a
Postal Service. In addition,
2000 Server. IIS 4.0 or
line. This is designed to be
the return can be limited to
used as a very easy and
the specific services of
simple include file that you
your choice. iisCARTship’s
can add to any of your ASP
powerful collection returns
pages. There's more.. we
real-time shipping data
also included a FILTER
which can be easily
capability so that you can
formatted to meet your needs
easily disable any shipping
in a table, drop down combo
options that you do not want
box or group of radio button.
to appear in the selection
list. We felt this is
important because most
shippers do not use certain
shipping options, simply for
practical reasons.
Complete with example
pages and easy to follow
instructions. 100% ALL
Free technical support.
The easiest shipping
script to integrate with
your asp pages.

Date: Jun, 04 2001

Date: May, 20 2002

Date: Nov, 03 2005

Date: Oct, 30 2003
Do not pay for features that
With this ASP based USPS
you don't need! This is the
online shipping calculator,
simplest solution to your
there is no need to register
UPS shipping calculation.
any DLL or COM objects in
With this script, there is
your hosting server. This is
no need to register any DLL
very useful to many websites
or COM objects in your
that are hosted by a 3rd
hosting server. This is very
party hosting server because
useful to many websites that
most of the time, these 3rd
are hosted by a 3rd party
party hostings do not allow
hosting server because most
the installation of
of the time, these 3rd party
hostings do not allow the
objects. You simply save
installation of ACTIVE-X,
the included ASP file into
COM or DLL objects. You
your website html/asp
simply save the included ASP
folder. You can call the
file into your website
function from anywhere in
html/asp folder. You can
your asp pages and use
call the function from
different parameters like
anywhere in your asp pages
origin and destination zip
and use different parameters
code, shipment weight and
like origin and destination
delivery options.
zip code, shipment weight
and delivery options. We
also have a separate script
for USPS!

Date: Apr, 16 2005

Date: Apr, 16 2005
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