
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Online Catalogs



Hits: 478


Hits: 499

Online Store thisiwant

Hits: 212
It is an easy to go online
FleXstore is a powerful,
You can add categories, You
Online Store Complete online
video rental store that can
scaleable, and
can change pages and
store solutions that include
generate a lot of business
easy-to-implement solution
informations about you and
online catalog, shopping
for physical and virtual
for creating, managing, and
you can add or remove
cart, checkout, and order
rental stores. eFlicks
personalizing Internet-based
products by admin panel. You
processing. It also comes
has a user-friendly
storefronts for selling
also wiev stock processings
with Store Manager to manage
eye-catching interface that
products and services.
and you can wiev orders ...
products, categories,
makes online video renting
FleXstore may be used in
orders,and customers.
fun for customers. Movies
both business-to-business
are categorized by genre and
and business-to-consumer
studio production in an
environments. Includes
attempt to narrow searches.
features like: items
This application has a
comparison, items search,
powerful search engine that
fully customizable
allows users to do a quick
categories and
search on any movie of their
subcategories, coupons,
choice. There are also
special offers. On-demand
features that list movies by
you can get additional
directors, actors and year
modules like shopping cart,
inventory, customer
management. merchandizing...
NOW with language file
support! Also available a
dual-language version, fully
customizable from admin

Date: Nov, 08 2004

Date: Apr, 05 2005

Date: Feb, 01 2006

Date: Mar, 20 2006
PageDown Technology has
ProdMentor is an ASP program
The product catalog displays
webShaper e-catalog is an
released v2.0 of PDshopPro,
for publishing a product
items from a database based
easy-to-use online catalog
our ASP online store
catalog online. With an
on categories and sub
management software. It is
application. It features
administrative GUI you can
categories selected by the
specially designed for
Unlimited categories,
easily manage your products
client. Combining this
Wholesaler, Distributors,
subcategories, items,
and product categories.
script with <a
Manufacturers and Dealers
featured items,
Cause products are
who would like to put all
Inventory/Stock control,
categorized into categories
their products online and
order status, password
and all categories (and
GET FOUND by Search Engines.
recovery, email
products within them as
notifications, order
well) can be
confirmations, and more.
altered/added/deleted as
The built-in HTML editor
well as change of ordering.
allows for full formatting
An Access database is used
control. Compatible with
for storing the questions.
the popular payment
processors, Choose Advanced
Integration for seamless
credit card processing, or
use the Simple Method /
Weblink. Support for most
webserver email components.

Date: Dec, 15 2003

Date: Apr, 27 2000

Date: Feb, 13 2000

Date: Mar, 08 2006
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