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Credit Card Processing


A form to accept credit cards

Hits: 374

A$P Charge

Hits: 380

ASP Authorize.net AIM Script

Hits: 169
Filling out the paperwork
A$P Charge is an ASP object
applying for a merchant
that enables your web site
specializes in providing
specializes in providing
account is the hardest part.
to accept, verify and
custom Authorize.Net
custom Authorize.Net
This tutorial describes how
process credit cards in
solutions at rock bottom
solutions at rock bottom
to create an ASP form to
real-time by providing a
prices. Since 1999 we've
prices. Since 1999 we've
accept credit cards on your
gateway to internet credit
developed and maintained a
developed and maintained a
card processing networks. It
loyal subscriber base by
loyal subscriber base by
currently supports 90+
providing secure, commercial
providing secure, commercial
diffrent credit card
quality scripts that are
quality scripts that are
networks including ICVerify,
easy to install and
easy to install and
Epoch, iBill, CyberSource,
configure. Experience
configure. Experience
and CyberCash. It also works
the AuthnetScripts.com
the AuthnetScripts.com
with Visual Basic, Access,
difference today
difference today
Excel, Word and other
programs and languages that
recognize COM/ActiveX

Date: Feb, 26 2001

Date: Dec, 21 1999

Date: Oct, 01 2004

Date: Oct, 01 2004
CardCheck provides developers
CardVal is a DLL that allows
CCheck is an ActiveX dll
DESCCValidator is an Active
with a way to validate
developers to easily include
which utilizes the LUHN
Server Component, which
credit card numbers. It can
complex (or simple) credit
formula (Mod 10) to verify
validates Credit Card
be used with any programming
whether a user has entered
Numbers for any ASP page.
language that supports COM:
validation/identification in
valid credit card data.
Features include:
Scripting languages
their applications.
CCheck verifies the credit
Compatibility with IIS 3,
(VBScript, JavaScript),
CardVal is easy to use,
card number given against
IIS 4 and PWS, Automatic
Visual Basic (Versions 4 and
requiring only one line of
the credit card type and
ActiveX DLL Registration,
up), VBA (Word, Excel,
code to validate a credit
also verify the expiration
Thorough help files and
Access ...), VC++, BC++,
card. CardVal can validate:
date. CCheck works for Visa,
trouble shooting, Included
Delphi, Power Builder to
VISA, Mastercard, Eurocard,
Mastercard, American
uninstall application, and
name only a few. Supported
American Express, Diners
Express, Diners Club / Carte
Validates Visa, Mastercard,
Credit Cards are: VISA,
Club, Carte Blanche,
Blanche, Discover, enRoute
American Express, Diner's
Master Card - Eurocard,
Discover, enRoute, JCB.
and JCB. CCheck can be used
Club, and Discover Card.
Discover - Novus, American
CardVal can be used with any
in both ASP and VB
Please note that
Express, JCB and En Route.
programming language that
DESCCValidator only
supports COM. CardVal can
Validates the authenticity
also perform much more
of a Credit Card's Number,
complex validation, and is
it does not check the
capable of returning the
balance in the account.
following results: Card is
Valid, Card Number Does Not
Match Specified Card Type,
Card Number Length is
Invalid, Card Checksum
Failed (Main Validation),
Unknown Card Type.

Date: Dec, 29 1999

Date: Aug, 08 2002

Date: Mar, 06 2001

Date: Aug, 22 2000
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