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/** Search */

Date and Time


Asp Date Validator

Hits: 848


Hits: 325


Hits: 779

ECS Datetime

Hits: 275
This script contains two
This is a stop-clock
Using this component you can
ECS DateTime is a server-side
functions (Leap Year
component for ASP. It has an
perform date and time
component that can be used
Capable): First will check
average accuracy of 5 milli
formatting, calculate
to access NTP Servers. It
to validate a date value
seconds. You could use it
elapsed time, pause your ASP
can be implemented on ASP
passed as a parameters.
for timing your code, speed
application, GMT date and
pages or from any other COM
Second will check to
comparisons, etc.
time formating and much more.
enabled environment.
validate two dates entered
and compare/check first
occurs before the second.
Functions will return a
blank string if the Date(s)
is/are valid. They will
retun a string containing an
error message if Date(s)
is/are NOT valid. You could
pass the field name as
parameter to generate a
custom Error message for the
field you are checking or
pass a blank string as a
field name to generate a
generic error message.

Date: Feb, 26 2005

Date: Jan, 25 2000

Date: Nov, 09 1999

Date: Jun, 24 2003
Based around the
One of the things missing
The Following code will print
StrongCube Tools Component
functionality of the PHP
from the current version of
out the date so that it's in
helps you to format your
date() function, it returns
ASP is the ability to get
a long date format including
number and date/time into VB
date and time information in
the date/time a file was
the appropriate suffix - i.e
style formatting routine.
a format based upon
LastModified. Sometimes it
st, nd, rd. Here's the
You can easily format your
arguments it is fed.
is useful to report the
code in action: Thursday
number into #,##0.00 or your
Essentially, it takes one
date/time the ASP file was
12th May 2005
date/time into dd/mm/yyyy.
date string/object and
last physically modified.
transforms it to a different
This component is designed
format. The ASP
to provide that information.
FormatDateTime function is
extremely limited. This
provides an alternative
which gives you far greater
control over how the date is

Date: Nov, 12 2001

Date: Jan, 04 2000

Date: May, 12 2005

Date: Dec, 29 2003
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