
popular collection of scripts for all

/** Search */

Image and Text Based


ASP 101: Hit Counter

Hits: 247


Hits: 729

ASPStats PRO site counter

Hits: 470

EC Hitcounter

Hits: 634
This is a simple page hit
ASPired2Count is a hit
Advanced realtime counter for
Simple ASP Application using
counter script. It lets you
counter for displaying how
your website. Setup in under
the File System Object to
choose either plain text or
many times your page has
2 min. Features overview
track session hits or page
a set of images by simply
been viewed. Every time one
with graphs, daily-,
views to your site, no
setting the images
of your pages is displayed,
weekly-, monthly-,
database required. Free
querystring parameter to
the page hit is tallied in a
quarterly- and Yearly hits,
download to site members
true or false. You can cut
database. The concept is
top lists, referrals,
and paste the code into the
simple. The implementation
Browsers, Pages and lots
page you want the count to
is even easier.
more.. Try it for free now!
appear on or just use it as
ASPired2Count is Easy2use
an include file and place
* Easily integrated
one line of text in the
Access database * Only 2
document you want the count
lines of code per file
to appear.
* Display hits in either
text or graphical form
* Use graphics of your
choice * Simple set up

Date: Oct, 18 1999

Date: Jul, 28 2006

Date: Feb, 18 2004

Date: Mar, 16 2006
Gchats Website Counter and
This simple page counter uses
check number of visitor by
Site Statistics application.
the File System Object to
day , by week by year , from
Database Driven and
store the page count in a
which website they have
integrated with Macromedia
text file located on the
come, IP address , web
Flash. Automatically Updates
server. You can also use
browser,Search engine,
Every 15 minutes , Daily ,
this code on multiple pages
country, month, resolution,
Monthly and Total Hits plus
and count the page views on
pages, keywords and many more
Active Members Count.
every page in your whole

Date: Jun, 21 2004

Date: Oct, 30 2003

Date: Jul, 14 2004
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