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Contests and Awards


DMXReady Online Contest Manager

Hits: 812

Compulsive Competitions

Hits: 339
Drive more customers to your
Compulsive Competitions
website, reward current
allows you to host up to 3
customers, or expand you
competitions on your
database of contacts using
website. Features random
DMXReady Online Contest
winner selection, an option
Manager. DMXReady Online
to have an email sent with
Contest Manager allows you
each entries details, and
to quickly set up a
view correct answers only
web-based contest. Includes
and only one entry per email
pre-configured online
contestant entry area, email
verification message,
entrant listings, and
automatic random winner
generator. Export contact
information to include with
your own contact database.
DMXReady Online Contest
Manager makes creating a
contest fast and easy!

Date: Dec, 08 2006

Date: Feb, 10 2001
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