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iStateSoft Auto Manager

Hits: 556

20/20 Auto Gallery v3.2

Hits: 505

ASP Car Sales

Hits: 577

Auto Manager

Hits: 696
iStateSoft Auto Manager is a
Add this listing system to
ASP Car Sales has been
Auto Manager is an
fully-rebrandable, powerful
your current or developing
designed to allow small to
easy-to-use solution for
car rental solution, which
web site easily. 20/20 Auto
medium car dealerships to
managing your website’s
was developed with car
Gallery is a full featured
have an internet presence.
vehicle listings. Users
dealers’ needs in mind. Its
web site add-in which allows
ASP Car Sales has the
add/edit listings without
main function is to automate
you to control your
ability to add vehicles to a
modifying HTML or adding new
car search, car
inventory of vehicles (cars,
web site using powerful
pages; upload photos for
presentation, and car hire
trucks, boats, motorcycles,
forms that are easy to use
each vehicle; use the
process, thus facilitating
farm equipment, marine,
and provides web site
WYSIWYG editor to format
day-to-day car rental/sales
RV's...) online through
visitors with the ability to
text without any HTML
operations. iStateSoft
easy-to-use forms and web
browse or search those
knowledge. Other features
Auto Manager is a
pages. Dealerships can enjoy
vehicles through attractive,
include: user access levels,
full-featured vehicle
a complete and up-to-date
customizable web pages.
powerful search engine,
listings software, which
inventory online and
You can select from an
advanced customization,
allows car dealers to manage
visitors can enjoy the
updatable range of vehicle
customizable database (edit
their fleet easily and
ability to search and browse
features sure as Air
fields or create your own),
quickly. The comprehensive
through your listings. This
Conditioning, Power Steering
customize the HTML templates
administrator’s control
system was designed for use
and Electric Windows. These
to suit your design. Fully
panel allows you to add,
on many different web sites:
are included on the vehicle
rebrand this Private Label
edit, approve or decline
New or Used Car Dealers /
details page as a reference
listings, add, edit, manage
Vehicle Appraisal
point to possible
car owners, check in the car
Organizations / Car Clubs
purchasers. The powerful
availability, accept
and Collectors / Farm
admin site will allow you to
payments right from the web
Machinery and Heavy
add new cars, edit existing
site, upload unlimited car
Equipment Dealers / vans,
ones and upload up to three
photos and movies, keep
trucks, and more. Setup is
images of each vehicle you
track of car reservations,
easy (upload and Go!) and
add. Recent updates to
set up different membership
using the system is easier.
this product also allow you
levels, and print/export
The product can be
to run this a paying website
reports. The software can
customized to match your own
for visitors to list their
be used both for car rents
web site design and special
vehicles for a set fee.
and car sales. Showcasing
options enable you to
Credits can be purchased and
vehicle listings with
configure the application to
vehicles listed up to the
iStateSoft Auto Manager
meet the needs of your
value of the credit
doesn’t require strong
business model. Upload
computer knowledge. You
photos and documents, loan
manage the listings using
calculators, "send link
only your browser.
to a friend", printable
brochures, customizable.

Date: Sep, 20 2006

Date: Sep, 16 2006

Date: Apr, 17 2006

Date: Feb, 24 2006
eCars is an auto listing,
Car Makers & Car Models
Car Connection is an easy way
AutoFind is a suite of
buying and selling place
Categories (Related to each
to add a dynamic system to
full-featured Vehicle
where sellers list their
other). Member can place as
list cars to any website.
listing scripts designed for
models and makes and buyers
many ads as they wish.
Edit one file and the
Dealers/End Sellers. It
respond to them for a test
Photos Upload to Database
program will run. System
allows a person / Dealer to
drive. It is an easy to
(up to 3 images per ad).
can be configured to adapt
self-publish and maintain
manage, web content
Advance Search and Full
to any layout. Runs of an
Vehicle listings on the
management solution used for
Advanced Admin Area. Online
access or MSSQL database.
internet. It is a complete
showcasing Vehicle Listings.
responding (sending email)
Will run on any Windows
three tier internet solution
Whether you are building or
to a Car Ad Placer. Header
system running IIS.
for all wishing to market
operating a website for an
& Footer for easy
Discounts for use on
their lVehicle on the
independent salesperson, a
changing in the design.
mulitple sites.
internet. Features include:
dealership, private sales or
Dealer / seller can
selling on consignment eAuto
post/maintain their own
allows non-technical users
vehicle with pictures right
and salespersons to quickly
through their web browser
create and publish vehicle
with no need to learn how to
listings, using only their
develop or maintain
browser. Includes multiple
webpages, Vehicles are
picture upload and user
automatically deleted from
control panel. Admin suite
the system on their
provides administrator with
expiration date, request
total control over agents
form comes complete with
and ads placed.
validated fields, and
Intuitive web-based
administration - Dealer /
Seller can add, delete, and
modify the vehicle(s),
including pictures, using
any computer equipped with
internet access and a web
browser with no need to
learn how to create or
maintain web pages.

Date: Aug, 28 2005

Date: Mar, 05 2004

Date: Nov, 02 2003

Date: Oct, 17 2000
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