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/** Search */



Traditional Auctions

Hits: 608

Auctionsoft by NTS Graphics

Hits: 185

MetaBid Auctions

Hits: 133

Auction On the Fly

Hits: 447
This is a traditional
This is a database-driven ASP
MetaBid Auctions is a new
Auction On the Fly is an NT
auctions application. A DEMO
auction system. It features:
Active Server Pages
designed SQL 6.5 -7.0 or
is now available. Features:
Robot bidding, Customisable
application that adds
Oracle 8i database servers
Organized in categories and
emails, Automatic
auction capabilities to your
and uses Microsoft Active
sub-categories; Base Price
calculation of auction
web site. MetaBid allows
Server Page technology. The
definition including
winner, Email verification
users to put items up for
product has been designed
Indicative where buyers may
of new members before member
sale, bid on items others
for both the ASP webmaster
bid below the base price,
can bid, Various searches,
are selling, get a report on
and the customer with no
Reserve where no proposals
Compatible with Access or
all auctions in which they
scripting knowledge. It
below the base price
SQL Server, and many more.
are involved, and receive
features easy to use
accepted, Product Name,
automatic e-mail
interfaces for bidders and
Product detailed
notifications when they are
administrators and allows
description, Quantity, Unit
outbid. Online demo is
you to update your auctions
Price, Picture, Close Date,
available at its homepage.
"On the Fly" with
and more. Bids are made with
no FTP. It is offered in two
a specified quantity and
Auction models: User Model
unit price, and are accepted
where registered users list
if there are available units
their own items to auction
for the given price. If
(Typically Consumer to
there are higher bids for
Consumer or business to
all of the units in the
consumer), and Business
auction, or the price is
Model where an entity
bellow the reserve price,
auctions products they own
the bid is rejected, the
or act as an agent for,
bidder being informed of the
typically business to
minimum price accepted. At
the end of the closing day
(24h) the bidder with the
highest bid and the seller
are emailed with each other
contacts. the auction may be
closed at any given time by
the seller, anticipating the
closure process. Bidders
need to be registered in a
user base, usually the site
registration base. This
demand may be turned off,
allowing anyone identified
by an email to bid,
regardless of the
registration status. There
is a separate interface for
administration. This
application will normally
require some customization
to the hosting site
but may be used

Date: May, 25 2001

Date: Sep, 12 2000

Date: Aug, 20 2000

Date: Oct, 24 1999
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