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Auction aLive

Hits: 812

rwAuction Pro

Hits: 768


Hits: 749

Traditional Auctions

Hits: 608
This is a proprietory
rwAuction Pro is a feature
Features: Feedback &
This is a traditional
stand-alone application. Its
packed Auction, Classified,
Rating System, Email System,
auctions application. A DEMO
purpose is to monitor and
and Storefront software
Auto-Repost, Bold Listing,
is now available. Features:
record a live auction with
package! Also: Bulkloader,
Highlight Listing,
Organized in categories and
real people all in the same
Fixed Price, BuyItNow,
Featured/Home Featured
sub-categories; Base Price
room. You know the old
Dutch, and Trade. HTML
Auctions, Buy Now Listings,
definition including
fashioned way. This
editor, Skins, Mult Images,
Adult Listings with Credit
Indicative where buyers may
application requires human
Thumb Creation, Web Admin,
Card verification, image
bid below the base price,
interaction during a live
Billing, Mult Currencies,
upload, Dutch Auctions
Reserve where no proposals
auction. As the auctioneer
Email Templates & MORE!
(multiple items), Reserve
below the base price
is selling items, someone
Price Auctions, Proxy
accepted, Product Name,
sits at the computer and
Bidding, PayPal IPN support,
Product detailed
inputs the data as it is
description, Quantity, Unit
being sold. Then after the
Multi-Currency, runs on MS
Price, Picture, Close Date,
auction is over all bidders
Access and SQL Server and
and more. Bids are made with
have to come by and checkout
much more...
a specified quantity and
with the computer to get
unit price, and are accepted
their receipt before they
if there are available units
can leave with their
for the given price. If
purchased items. This
there are higher bids for
software was not intended
all of the units in the
for over the web
auction, or the price is
transactions, and has no
bellow the reserve price,
security features built-in
the bid is rejected, the
to protect your data.
bidder being informed of the
minimum price accepted. At
the end of the closing day
(24h) the bidder with the
highest bid and the seller
are emailed with each other
contacts. the auction may be
closed at any given time by
the seller, anticipating the
closure process. Bidders
need to be registered in a
user base, usually the site
registration base. This
demand may be turned off,
allowing anyone identified
by an email to bid,
regardless of the
registration status. There
is a separate interface for
administration. This
application will normally
require some customization
to the hosting site
but may be used

Date: May, 31 2002

Date: Jun, 29 2005

Date: Oct, 18 2004

Date: May, 25 2001
ClickAuction! is packed with
Auction On the Fly is an NT
Features forward and reverse
QuickAuction is a simple to
features and will add lots
designed SQL 6.5 -7.0 or
auctions, sniper protection,
use and setup web server
of auction excitement to
Oracle 8i database servers
B2C, C2C, admin control
application for adding and
your site in a matter of
and uses Microsoft Active
panel, customisable email
running basic auctions on
minutes. Easily incorporated
Server Page technology. The
alerts, browse + search,
your web site. It is
into any existing web site
product has been designed
featured items, unlimited
completely free to download
that supports ASP. Instant
for both the ASP webmaster
categories, customer
and use. Perfect for use
membership Member Bidding
and the customer with no
accounts and integration
with small community and
Reserve Auctions Member
scripting knowledge. It
with on-line credit card
charity sites for
Control Panels
features easy to use
processors. Supports MS
fund-raising purposes.
Administrator Control Panels
interfaces for bidders and
Access & SQL Server DB.
Email Notifications
administrators and allows
Hosting and installation
you to update your auctions
service available.
"On the Fly" with
no FTP. It is offered in two
Auction models: User Model
where registered users list
their own items to auction
(Typically Consumer to
Consumer or business to
consumer), and Business
Model where an entity
auctions products they own
or act as an agent for,
typically business to

Date: Dec, 06 2005

Date: Oct, 24 1999

Date: Dec, 13 2006

Date: May, 09 2006
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