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Ad Management


Ikon Banner Manager

Hits: 1446

CodeAvalanche AdSenseRotator

Hits: 1080

Ikon Ad Manager

Hits: 1006

Free Simple Ad Rotator

Hits: 718
Ikon Banner Manager is a
CodeAvalanche AdSenseRotator
Ikon Ad Manager is simple
This is a set of ASP scripts
powerful script to run an
is asp script which allows
banner rotator. You may add,
that allows you to show to
advertising banner system in
webmasters to easy rotate
edit or delete banners
your visitors different ads
your website. Script
different AdSense styles on
anytime. Script counts
each time they access a page
displays banners using a
daily bases, each day of the
clicks and shows of each
from your server. The system
custom JavaScript script. So
week different predefined
banner. Script supports MS
is based in three different
you may put your banner ads
style can be shown without
Access database but easily
pages: global.asa that will
in all typed pages eg. (JSP,
need of changing your asp
can modify to use with SQL
be assigned a variable name
CFML, HTML .. etc.). All
pages at the end of week or
session("ad") with
impressions stores in a log.
testing period the best
a given value (0) each time
You may run custom reports
performing style can be set
a new visitor requests a
for each banner and for date.
for permanent.
page, adrotator.asp which
will contain the information
necessary to add different
add to pages visited by
clients, and A simple SSI
code to be included in your
ASP pages.

Date: Feb, 19 2004

Date: May, 05 2006

Date: Nov, 11 2003

Date: Sep, 05 2003
Dreamweaver friendly Banner
Web Banners is an ASP based
It's an advanced and very
With this easy to use Rotator
Ad Management.
banner rotation system that
easy and flexible to use ASP
you can display your
uses a Microsoft Access
script for running your own
Advertisment in a random
database. Some of its
banner exchange system.
order each time the page
features include: Random
Members of the banner
refresh. After a long seach
banner rotation, Ability to
exchange show banners on
with varied results I ended
track impressions and
their sites and in return
up with writing my own
click-thru's, Web based,
their own banners are
article. Feel free to use,
password protected,
displayed across the banner
but keep a reference to this
administration area to
exchange. You, as the owner
site in the HTML code.
of the banner exchange take
advertisers, Client area to
part of the banner
view statistics, including
impressions (you can choose
click-thru's, impressions,
the part you like) for
ratios and other visitor
promotion your own site or
stats. Advertisers can
for sale. The script
choose their own text under
supports unlimited number of
the banner. No components or
banners and each user can
server software needed.
have an unlimited number of
banners (however
administrator can limit this
number). Click&BaneX
supports these formats: gif,
jpg, and swf (Flash). It has
a lot of advanced features,
for example our flexible
linking system for each
banner (each banner can
point to any site of any
homepage but also can
include a query string such
as normally used for
affiliate-partner banners),
real time statistic, free
and paid accounts and many
more. Start your own banner
exchange today! It's easy,
it's fast, it's flexible.
Check it out - Demos

Date: Aug, 12 2003

Date: Dec, 27 1999

Date: Jan, 09 2005

Date: Mar, 28 2005
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