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Infinitemonkeys Messageboard

Hits: 1366


Hits: 984

Web Wiz Guide Discussion Forum

Hits: 2050
Providing answers to
Place to discuss any subject
This forum provides a place
Friendly ASP and Web
programming queries for a
covered by the
to exchange tips and
Development forums where you
number of languages include
Infinitemonkeys site,
resources with other ASP
can get your questions
Visual Basic, ASP, PHP and
including ASP, ColdFusion,
programmers. Sign-up for
answered by professionals.
lots more. Help, support,
JavaScript, VBScript, WSH
Beta Tests and receive free
You can also download the
discussions and tips from
and xHTML.
application source-codes.
code to this feature packed
fellow programmers who have
discussion forum to use on
managed to overcome the
your own site.
problems that you have run

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Jan, 30 2001

Date: Aug, 28 2003

Date: Feb, 11 2002
WiredNow.net's Web Lounge is
the center of all things ASP
from getting help, giving
help or just simply talking
all things ASP. You have a
problem with ASP then this
is the place to start.

Date: Aug, 28 2003
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