Three easy methods for compiling ASP.NET components (KB100014)Hits: 987
A common task in N-tier .NET web application development involves compiling components. You can compile components in several different ways, from using commands executed at the DOS command prompt to using methods available through the Visual Studio .NET Integrated Development Environment. This tutorial provides detailed steps for using each of these methods. The first method is for those who only have the .NET Framework installed and are comfortable with working from the command prompt. The second method also involves working from the command prompt but employs special tools installed with the installation of Visual Studio .NET. In the third method, you'll be introduced to compiling components using the visual interface of Visual Studio .NET. Whether or not you have Visual Studio .NET installed, you'll find the steps for compiling your components here.
Platform(s): Windows
Date: May, 19 2005 Author: Stephan A Bren, {
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