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/** Search */



Hospital Management System

Hits: 2439

Desktop Alert Software

Hits: 1954


Hits: 1629

DNK Google Search Client

Hits: 1549
Medica IT (Hospital
The Desktop Alert Emergency
Aspose.License is an
DNK Google Search is an
Management System) is a
Mass Notification System
absolutely free .Net
application that makes use
tool that empowers the
utilizes "Actionable
software licensing component
of Google's Search
management to visualize the
Intelligence". The
which can check against
Webservice. The application
entire business Happening of
ability to in-place
preset license fields
is written in 100% managed
the organization sitting in
intelligent methods,
including License Name,
C# code. The application
front of a PC. The
functions and triggers that
Product, Company, Version,
look and feel is very
software ensures full data
interact with and bring
Expired Days, Expired Date,
similar to that of Google,
handshaking among the
crucial data to and from
Owner Name, Organization
but can be very easily
modules to ensure error-free
end-users based on end-user
Name, Assembly's Filename,
customized to fit your
operation with minimum
and/or managements
Assembly's Company,
needs. DNK Google Search is
effort and ensure
predefined business rules
Assembly's Product,
available to you at no
availability of data when
and settings. The entire
Assembly's Version, Domain
charge. YES! IT'S FREE
and where it is
platform is written in C#
Names, IP Addresses, CPUs,
required. The healthcare
and utilizes web services
as well as your own custom
centers can definitely
and SoapXml across port
license fields as many as
improve the operational
80. Included is a Active
you expect. With it, you can
efficiency and save cost of
Directory Scanner service
store and distribute your
Operation through proper
which continually updates
licensing strategy via
implementation of the
the Desktop Alert system
multi-level encrypted
modules. Medica IT is not a
database with changes that
license files while manage
dead end product. A Team of
occur in the Active
issued licenses via XML.
doctors and computer
Directory. This is an
professionals are working
Enterprise Level Platform
constantly at our
currently used by:
development center to make
-SAP -U.S.
it more effective and
Military -Intel -KPMG and
incorporate latest
a number of other fortune
advancements in the field of
500 firms. The client
Information Technology.
application includes Windows
Internet connectivity to
Client Authentication.
certain modules of Medica
IT(Hospital Management
System) would be provided,
and we are also working on
direct interface with
complex instruments etc.

Date: Nov, 21 2006

Date: Nov, 28 2006

Date: Apr, 05 2004

Date: Jun, 20 2006
Agile Reporting for ASP.NET
With contentXXL you can
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can be up and running in
components. Modules are
can also be used from any
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about an hour without any
simply placed in browser
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Charting. Pie, bar,
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advanced multilanguage
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Directory, more then 30
Certified Solution Partners
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... New contentXXL Entry
Edition (very few
limitations): $2,972

Date: Jul, 12 2006

Date: Dec, 22 2006

Date: Nov, 30 -1

Date: Apr, 10 2006
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